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How It Works

how It's Work Banner Image
step Image
step1 Image
step Image

Download the app

app store
google play

Step 1

step 1
app store
google play
step Image left
step Image

Create Account

Welcome to Waosim, your gateway to global connectivity! 🚀

Step 2

step Image
step2 Image
step 2
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step3 Image
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Search Plan

Explore plans from 150+ countries and unlock a world of connectivity! 🌍

Step 3

step 3
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Purchase Plan

Find your perfect fit with our amazing packages designed to cater to your every need! 🎁

Step 4

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step 4
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Install eSIM

Quick and simple Install and manage your eSIM with ease! 📲

Step 5

step 5
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Active Plan

Spark the Connectivity Activate, Monitor, and Ride the Internet Wave! 🌟

Step 6

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step 6